Bodemvocht datasets IoT stadslab 's-Hertogenbosch -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm10, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM10 Variable: Annual PM10 Name: P10_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, no2, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: NO2 Variable: Annual NO2 Name: NO2_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm2.5, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM25 Variable: Monthly PM25 Name: P25_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2006 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM25 Variable: Annual PM25 Name: P25_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm10, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM10 Variable: Monthly PM10 Name: P10_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, ozone, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: O3 Variable: Annual O3 Name: OZO_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, no2, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: NO2 Variable: Monthly NO2 Name: NO2_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, ozone, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: O3 Variable: Monthly O3 Name: OZO_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
Data ten behoeve van Airview project. Luchtkwaliteitsdata die worden verzameld door auto's uitgerust met sensoren die luchtkwaliteit monitoren. De data wordt verzameld op de... -
Energy consumption observed
Introduction Within the frame of IRIS Utrecht, data regarding energy consumption is being collected from a number of apartment buildings. Purpose of collecting these data is to... -
Archived Teneo soil moisture, temperature and humidity sensors
Archived data from Teneo soil moisture, temperature and humidity sensors. -
Dragino PH
PH metingen -
Dragino watertemperatuur gegevens
Data van Dragino watertemperatuur gegevens -
Teneo soil moisture, temperature and humidity sensors
Introduction Within the frame of the SCOREwater project, the City of Amersfoort commissioned Hoefakker to install Teneo soil moisture and climate monitor sensors at several... -
Telraam Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
Telraam data van de Gemeente 's Hertogenbosch -
Vermelding om resources met betrekking tot de multiflexmeters te verzamelen. De multiplexmeters meten waterstanden in 's Hertogenbosch. -
Luchtkwaliteit Troposfeer NO2
Overzichtskaart Nederland met NO2 in de troposfeer (bron RIVM): https://samenmeten.rivm.nl/uurkaart/index-tropomi.php -
Drinkwaterbescherming Gelderland
Alle gebieden die relevant zijn voor drinkwaterbescherming in de provincie Gelderland:... -
Informatie over waterkwaliteit in de Regio Foodvalley. Locaties van meldingen van blauwalg en botulisme:...
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