Werklocaties bedrijventerrein
Gegevens over bestaande en geplande werklocaties (bedrijventerreinen en kantoorlocaties) worden jaarlijks door de provincie NH verzameld. De bron is grotendeels een enquête... -
Werkingsgebied - Landelijk gebied
Deze werkingsgebied maakt onderdeel uit van Omgevingsverordening NH2020, vastgesteld op 16-11-2020 (besluitnr.: 1477251/1478383). Het plan is te raadplegen op... -
IKN - Provinciale Verordening - Houtopstanden
Deze kaart laat zien waar de Oude bosgroeiplaatsen in Noord-Holland gelegen zijn. Wettelijke context. De Wet natuurbescherming vervangt de Natuurbeschermingswet 1998, de Flora-... -
Werkingsgebied - Peilbesluit
Deze werkingsgebied maakt onderdeel uit van Omgevingsverordening NH2020, vastgesteld op 16-11-2020 (besluitnr.: 1477251/1478383). Het plan is te raadplegen op... -
Geschiktheid voor ondergronds bouwen - Opbarsting Damwand
De geschiktheid voor ondergronds bouwen is uitgedrukt in twee factoren die belangrijk zijn bij het aanleggen van een bouwput (zie rapportage, kaartbijlagen D en E). Deze dataset... -
Landelijke fietsroutes (WMS)
Bestaande Landelijke Fietsroutes, geleverd vanuit de Landelijke Routedatabank van Stichting Landelijk Fietsplatform. -
physico-chemical, weather_micro, Local Climate Zone, daily average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Weather Micro Variable: European Local Climate Zone map Name: LCZ_DAV_24_04_19_v1 Time period: 24-Apr-2019 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Zinc in PM coarse, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Zn_in_PMC Variable: Zn in PMC Name: PMCzn_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Cupper in PM coarse, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Cu_in_PMC Variable: Cu in PMC Name: PMCCU_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Sulphur in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: S_in_PM2.5 Variable: S in PM2.5 Name: PM25S_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Cupper in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Cu_in_PM2.5 Variable: Cu in PM2.5 Name: PM25Cu_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Zinc in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Zn_in_PM2.5 Variable: Zn in PM2.5 Name: PM25Zn_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Iron in PM coarse, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Fe_in_PMC Variable: Fe in PMC Name: PMCFE_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
social_environment, cbs_buurt, Percentage of households with low income, not ...
Environment: Social Pollutant: Poverty Variable: Percentage of households with low income Name: PLAAGINKH_XX_XX_XX_20_v3 Time period: 2020.0 Temporal resolution: null Spatial... -
physico-chemical, noise, Traffic noise, not applicable
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Noise Variable: Traffic noise 2020 Name: TRAFNOIS_XX_XX_XX_20_v1 Time period: 2020.0 Temporal resolution: every 5 years... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Iron in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Fe_in_PM2.5 Variable: Fe in PM2.5 Name: PM25Fe_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, ufp, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: UFP Variable: UFP Name: UFP_AAV_XX_XX_16_v1 Time period: 2016-2017 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial resolution: 1x1 km... -
social_environment, leefbaarometer, Livability, not applicable
Environment: Social Pollutant: Quality of life Variable: Leefbaarometer Name: LFB_XX_XX_XX_20_v1 Time period: 2020.0 Temporal resolution: every 2 years Spatial resolution:... -
physico-chemical, light_at_night, null, not applicable
Environment: Built Pollutant: Light at Night Variable: Annual LAN Name: LAN2_XX_XX_XX_21_VNLv21 Time period: 2021.0 Temporal resolution: Spatial resolution: 500m Extent: The... -
social_environment, cbs_buurt, Degree of urbanisation, not applicable
Environment: Social Pollutant: Urbanicity Variable: Degree of urbanisation Name: STED_XX_XX_XX_20_v3 Time period: 2020.0 Temporal resolution: null Spatial resolution: 100x100 m...
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