
Kolom Type Label Omschrijving
entity_id text sensor ID as imei

unique identifier of the streetsense unit e.g. 354444115341903 is the unique number of the interface this streetsense module uses to communicate.

recording_timestamp timestamp

recording timestamp

receive_timestamp timestamp receive timestamp
avgs float8 Average speed

Average speed of vehicles detected during the measurement interval

bmeh float8 humidity inside

bmeh = Relative humidity inside streetsense module e.g. 56.6 is 56.6 % RH

bmep float8 Air pressure inside

bmep = Air pressure inside the streetsense module e.g. 102511.91 is 1025 hPa / mBar

bmet float8 Temperature mainboard

bmet = Temperature of the sensor on the streetsense mainboard e.g. 0.71 is 0.71 degrees Celsius

cnt int4 vehicle count

cnt = vehicle count number of vehicles counted during the measurement interval

ec float8 electric conductivity

ec = measured conductivity between the two rings e.g. 0 is 0 uS

ec_cal float8 electric conductivity calculated

ec_cal = measured conductivity between the two rings, temperature compensated e.g. 0 is 0 uS

int_field int4
rssi int4 Received Signal Strength Indicator

rssi = Received Signal Strength Indicator e.g. -51 is -51 dBm

= -80 good <= - 100 poor

tmpb float8 temperature bottom

tmpb = temperature reading of sensor below the surface inside the streetsense housing e.g. 0.52 is 0.53 degrees Celsius

tmpt float8 temperature top

tmpt = temperature reading of sensor connected to the metal ring at the top of the device e.g. 0.43 is 0.43 degrees Celsius

ver text version

version of the device

x_cal int4 magnetometer X

magnetometer calibration values e.g. -190 is the value subtracted from the magnetometer reading in order to move the result to the zero axis. The streetsense module performs a calibration every hour in order to adapt to changes in the environment e.g. a parked car nearby

y_cal int4 magnetometer Y

magnetometer calibration values e.g. -190 is the value subtracted from the magnetometer reading in order to move the result to the zero axis. The streetsense module performs a calibration every hour in order to adapt to changes in the environment e.g. a parked car nearby

z_cal int4 magnetometer Z

magnetometer calibration values e.g. -190 is the value subtracted from the magnetometer reading in order to move the result to the zero axis. The streetsense module performs a calibration every hour in order to adapt to changes in the environment e.g. a parked car nearby

z_threshold int4 Z threshold

zthreshold = magnetometer threshold for detecting vehicles e.g. 75 is 75 uT the lower the value the more sensitive the streetsense module

lon float8
lat float8

Additionele informatie

Veld Waarde
Data laatst gewijzigd 22 maart 2022
Metadata laatst gewijzigd 22 maart 2022
Gecreëerd 22 maart 2022
Formaat Onbekend
Licentie License not specified
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Metadata language
On same domainTrue
Package idbf1fd5d8-5486-42cd-99ed-8e4d611abb73
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Url typedatastore
Taal Nederlands
Taal van de metadata Nederlands
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Time series kolom