social_environment, leefbaarometer, Livability, not applicable
Environment: Social Pollutant: Quality of life Variable: Leefbaarometer Name: LFB_XX_XX_XX_20_v1 Time period: 2020.0 Temporal resolution: every 2 years Spatial resolution:... -
physico-chemical, light_at_night, null, not applicable
Environment: Built Pollutant: Light at Night Variable: Annual LAN Name: LAN2_XX_XX_XX_21_VNLv21 Time period: 2021.0 Temporal resolution: Spatial resolution: 500m Extent: The... -
social_environment, cbs_buurt, Degree of urbanisation, not applicable
Environment: Social Pollutant: Urbanicity Variable: Degree of urbanisation Name: STED_XX_XX_XX_20_v3 Time period: 2020.0 Temporal resolution: null Spatial resolution: 100x100 m... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Silicium in PM coarse, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Si_in_PMC Variable: Si in PMC Name: PMCsi_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
social_environment, road_accidents, accidents, not applicable
Environment: Social Pollutant: Road accidents Variable: Total number of traffic accidents from 2013 to 2021 Name: TNaccid_XX_XX_13_XX_XX Time period: 2013-2021 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, biodiversity, Species diversity, not applicable
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Biodiversity Variable: Species diversity in the Netherlands Name: Specdiff_XX_XX_XX_17_v1 Time period: 2017.0 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Vanadium in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: V_in_PM2.5 Variable: V in PM2.5 Name: PM25V_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Silicium in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Si_in_PM2.5 Variable: Si in PM2.5 Name: PM25Si_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Nickel in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Ni_in_PM2.5 Variable: Ni in PM2.5 Name: PM25Ni_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal... -
physico-chemical, noise, Noise, not applicable
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Noise Variable: nationwide noise level Name: NOIS_XX_XX_XX_16_v3 Time period: 2016-2020 Temporal resolution: null Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Kalium in PM coarse, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: K_in_PMC Variable: K in PMC Name: PMCK_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Kalium in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: K_in_PM2.5 Variable: K in PM2.5 Name: PM25K_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm10, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM10 Variable: Annual PM10 Name: P10_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, no2, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: NO2 Variable: Annual NO2 Name: NO2_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm2.5, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM25 Variable: Monthly PM25 Name: P25_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2006 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM25 Variable: Annual PM25 Name: P25_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, pm10, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: PM10 Variable: Monthly PM10 Name: P10_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, ozone, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: O3 Variable: Annual O3 Name: OZO_AAV_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial resolution:... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, no2, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: NO2 Variable: Monthly NO2 Name: NO2_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, ozone, monthly average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: O3 Variable: Monthly O3 Name: OZO_MAV_XX_%mo%_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2019 Temporal resolution: Monthly Spatial...